City on a Hill (Series #8)
City on a Hill (Series #8)
Year: 2020
Medium: Neon, blown glass,concrete
Dimensions: 18H x 10.5W x 6D in (including base)
Original Artwork Price: $4,800
City on a Hill Series
Inspired by the biblical verse "You are the light of the World" Matthew 5:14, the artist translates the flow of divine phenomena through her work, as light embodied. After documenting the installation "City on a hill" outdoors in changing light conditions, she created bases for the glass forms to bring them into the interior space. This work consists of neon light, glass, wood and metal. A dialectic occurs between the solid, earthy fragments of wood, metal and glass and the immaterial presence of light. When light infuses the interior of a translucent form, it represents the void within transforming into a sacred space. The thickness and texture of the glass affects the thin line of neon light even as the light transforms the glass form, sometimes in unexpected way.