Artist Jangyoung Jung and Andreas Geisselhardt work together as atelierJAK from Stuttgart and Regensburg, Germany. The group explores the mutual debate and interpersonal uncertainty in a separate intellectual space, between reality and substantiality. Together the spectator, the artist and the artwork live on an imaginary level aiming to convey identity on the outside through various media. The body of work ranges through sculpture, installation, film, painting and conceptual creations, as the spectator encounters constructions of the real and interpretations of fantasy.
The duos’ most recent exhibition “Höhenflug '' was held at Gallery Sturn & Schober at Hotel Kristiania in Lech, AT. atlelierJak’s current piece “Perception of Space '' is taking place with Augsburg University of Applied Sciences and Seoul National University of Science. They won the Stuftung Kunstfonds 2021 for Neustart Kultur in Bonn, Germany. atelierJak has solo exhibitions in various cities including Vienna, Austria; Brussels, Belgium; Busan, Korea; and Berlin, Germany, among others. atelierJAK has participated in group exhibitions at Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Germany; Pyeongchang Biennale, Korea; VOX POPULI in Philadelphia, USA; and has exhibited at Waterfall Gallery for more than six years.