Artist Lee Seung Hee

Space of 8mm_Like Paper (5)

Year: 2024
Medium: Ceramic, glaze
Dimensions: 44.5H x 22.5W in
Original Artwork Price: $24,000

Like Paper Series

While in his previous series Lee Seung Hee has often transformed fully 3-dimensional objects into low-relief ceramic works, Space of 8mm, gives a dimensional form to what is ordinarily a flat object—a sheet of paper.

Lee's newest addition to the Space of 8mm series, the extension, delves into the origins of paper and explores the myriad wonders surrounding its inception. In today's society, paper has become as ubiquitous as air, yet Lee is fascinated by the initial sparks of curiosity and joy that led to its invention. Through this exploration, Lee returns to a similar sense of wonder and sincerity in creating each piece.

Beginning with sculpting a flat clay surface of 8mm thickness in various sizes and formats, Lee simulates the appearance of folded or layered paper by applying 10 to 20 layers of kaolin clay and water mixture. This technique creates a subtle yet perceptible "paper-thin" elevation. Prior to firing in the kiln, he selectively glazes the pieces, often applying glaze to the front while leaving the back of the folded paper sheets unglazed. Through the use of different colors and thicknesses of glaze, Lee achieves a remarkable spectrum of rich, nuanced hues.

“I would like to create work that doesn't visually show signs of artifice nor for convincing, that doesn't show off, and yet doesn't give up on communication. This process feels like a conversation with silence. The echoes that come only after endless patience in long silence. This series is a work without decoration, symbols, and figures–just traces of time. The process is like passing through an unknown cave. Still, I have faith and dreams in the work, so I fumble and fumble, hoping for a small light that will suddenly appear someday.” - Lee Seung Hee