Rex Hausmann is an artist currently based in San Antonio, Texas, who's philosophy remains simple: “Grow Where You Are Planted”, which is displayed behind Phebe, the bougainvillea, on the front of his family buildings at The Hausmann Millworks: A Creative Community in downtown San Antonio.
Rex has shown and lectured nationally and internationally, appearing in many speaking functions including TEDx San Antonio at Trinity University, McNay Museum of Art, The San Antonio Museum of Art, and The University of Texas at San Antonio as well as The Spencer Museum of Art. He has shown work at The Smithsonian in Washington DC, The Institute of Texan Cultures, Neiman Marcus, The Lawrence Art Center, and The Cloister at Sea Island Resort. He has spoken on National Public Radio many times across the United States. His home base remains in San Antonio, Texas, at The Hausmann Millworks: A Creative Community where he gardens, teaches, and paints daily, and enjoys a cigar with friends every so often.
Hausmann earned a BFA in painting (2006) at The University of Texas at San Antonio and an MFA in painting (2016) at Savannah College of Art and Design on scholarship.
Rex Hausmann believes that painting is the purest form of problem-solving for everyday mysteries. Through his work, Hausmann connects art and life. He believes that art can be as simple or complex as the living of life itself. Like life, art should not be and is not perfect. His paintings are created using uncontrolled movements of paint such as dripping and spilling or using lines that trail off here or there, like a good conversation at a baseball game or on a fire escape.
Hausmann is inspired by Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, Akira Kurosawa, George Melies, Antoni Gaudi, Tom Sachs, and Daniel Buren. These literary, cinematic, and visual artists are all storytellers which are Hausmann’s interest and inspiration. In his world, they would be eating donuts and sipping coffee on a New York fire escape or at Dollar-Hot-Dog night at a San Antonio Missions baseball game. The subjects of discussion would be their favorite books, films, and museum pieces which become the basis of Hausmann’s art—the synthesis of art and life.
Hausmann's art is colorful, accessible, and autobiographical. He tries to speak not only the language of the art world but to everyday people as well. Many artists may ask themselves, "What is my take on the world?". For him, the better question is, "What is my place in the world, and how does my work make this world a better place?".
Shane Pennington