Yuval Mahler, currently based in Israel, draws upon a rich supply of wry humor, satire, caricature, and comedy to produce his insightful studies of human behavior. His paintings explore human relationships under various conditions of life all over the world and sometimes exploring Jewish life. Mahler’s work appeals to the child in us all, to optimists as well as media. The variety of his art includes Fiberglass, Acrylic, Gouache, Metal Cutting, 3D Lithographs, Serigraphs, and Giclee.
His paintings have been shown in galleries and exhibitions in many countries, including Israel, the U.S., Canada, Germany, and Switzerland. Mahler was also exclusively selected by Swatch Watches out of all Israeli artists to design their stores in Israel.
Yuval Mahler studied graphic design and animation at the School of Visual Arts in New York City.
Shane Pennington