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韩国艺术家Chae Eunmi 擅长利用纯金和珍珠母,透过光线展现黄金的魅力。从东京艺术大学研究生院毕业 后,她已在世界各地举办19次个展,参与联展120次,显示出卓越的艺术才华。
她在作品中使用华丽而精美的黄金和珍珠母,推陈出新,呈现简洁、精致和现代风格。她也将无添加的黄 金和恒定的光之美纳入作品,表现出大胆的艺术魄力。Chae Eunmi以自创颜料给嵌板上色,再于嵌板上固 定镀金立方体,使光线在不同方向上折射,营造出永恒的氛围。
Chae Eunmi 出生和成长在被联合国教科文组织授予“手工艺和民间艺术之都”称号的韩国利川,从小就接受 了陶瓷、韩国绘画和书法作品的熏染。她在韩国读本科时主修西方绘画,而后前往日本东京艺术大学攻读 西方绘画研究生。
如今,Chae是一位备受瞩目的当代艺术家,善于运用视频、雕塑和建筑等介质,在影像艺术中表达四维的 光影世界,作品尤其闻名于阿拉伯王室。近来,她的影像作品在阿布扎比艺术博览会和迪拜艺术博览会上 连续三年售罄。由大使馆策划、在瑞典国立博物馆举办的个人作品展也为她赢得杰出艺术家的声誉。随着 作品被纽约永久收藏,在香港和迪拜成为重点展品,她受到的国际关注也日益提高。
Chae Eunmi一直充满激情,不屈不挠,勤勉精进,勇往直前,精力旺盛,仿佛取之不竭。尽管在国际上收 获众多赞誉,但却从未停下追梦的步伐,宛如破茧重生的蝴蝶,在荣耀之中翩然起飞,将激情倾注于作品


Chae Eunmi以永恒为主题进行艺术创作,在作品中利用黄金象征恒久不变。她认为,在永恒无尽的空间里, 光是生命和真实的象征,而其中的颜色还象征着另一种不变的特质——能量。Chae借助黄金的光芒,让温 暖、安宁的能量充盈作品乃至整个宇宙,与她对珍珠母的运用相得益彰,而珍珠母的形成和存在本身就是 韧性的隐喻。正如珍珠母历经磨砺形成美丽的斑纹,Chae的作品喻示着人生的艰辛苦痛也在一定程度上造 就了我们的美丽,塑造了如今的我们。
当光线射入作品,填补其中的空白时,立方体的金色表面不断相互反射,创造出无限的新空间和新形象。 在Chae看来,人类的生活也同样奇妙:不断改变、扩大和发展内在的自我,同时相互反射,在生活中彼此 帮助,互有影响。

Chae Eunmi, a Korean artist, who deals with the alchemy of gold through light using pure gold and mother of pearl, has shown great capability as she engaged internationally in 19 solo exhibitions and 120 group exhibitions after her graduate school at Tokyo University of the Arts.

Her works show concise, sophisticated, and contemporary forms with a creative method using a glamorous yet delicate medium —gold and mother of pearl. Her works also contain boldness as she incorporates gold that does not include any additives and the beauty of light that is definite and unchanging. Chae Eunmi’s work creates an ambiance of eternity as light reflects in different directions through the gold-plated cubes fixed onto a panel that is painted with artist-invented paint.

Chae Eunmi encountered ceramics, Korean paintings, and calligraphic works at an early age as she was born and raised in Icheon, a UNESCO City of Crafts and Folk Art of South Korea. She majored in western painting for her undergraduate studies in Korea and then moved to Japan as a graduate research student of western painting at Tokyo University of the Arts.

Today, she is a highly anticipated contemporary artist as she employs various media such as video, sculpting, and architecture in her video art expressing the four-dimensional world of light. Her works are especially well known among the Arab royalty. Recently, all her video art pieces were sold out in the Abu Dhabi Art Fair and also in Dubai Art Fair for three consecutive years. Chae also gained her reputation as an outstanding artist through her exhibition organized by the embassy in the National Museum of Sweden. International interests are growing as her works are permanently collected in New York and featured in Hong Kong and Dubai.

Chae Eunmi, like she always has been, passionate, persevering, and diligent, regenerates her energy towards the future as if it is her first time. Despite all her global achievements and appreciations, she never stops moving towards the future dream. She flies like a resurrected butterfly in its abundant glory and continues to pour her passion into her work.


Chae Eunmi creates artworks on the theme of eternity and uses gold in her work to symbolize unchanging eternity. She believes that within eternity’s endless space, light is a symbol of life and truth, with the color inside of light symbolizing energy - another constant and unchanging quality. Chae uses the light of the gold to bring warm and peaceful energy not only into her work but into the universe as well. This perfectly complements Chae’s use of the mother of pearl, which alludes to resilience through its very creation and existence. Just as the beautiful markings on the mother of pearl are the result of the arduous process it endures to take its form, it is representative of how painful experiences and hardships of life are a part of what makes us so beautiful and who we are.

As light comes in to fill and unite with the empty spaces in Chae’s works, the golden surfaces of the cubic forms continuously reflect unto one another to create an infinite amount of new spaces and images. To Chae, human life imitates such phenomena as humans also reflect one another, assisting and affecting each other’s lives, while constantly changing, expanding, and growing their inner selves.

“In the beginning, butterflies were incapable of flying as their wings were all torn up and made of various different fragments. One day, a golden seed was planted in the heart of a butterfly who wanted so dearly to fly and kept growing until it began to sprout leaves, flowers, and fruits. The flowers began to cover and mend the butterfly’s wings until the butterfly was resurrected and finally able to fly towards its dreams while simultaneously spreading the aroma of beauty, love, and blessings to the world. ” - Story by Chae Eunmi

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